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Paris Carter

I love reading historical, young adult, romance, and sc-fi novels.

Currently reading

Cloak of the Light
Chuck Black
Story Engineering
Larry Brooks
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley

Finding Home

Finding Home - Lauren K. McKellar After her mother dies, Amy is sent to live with her father on his tour bus as he travels the country as a rock star. But when her average daily drink turns into an habit, her father forces her off his tour and makes her live with her aunt Lou.

Finding Home by Lauren K. McKellar is an outstanding story focusing on Amy who is struggling with her mother’s death and constantly drinks alcohol to make herself feel better. This stuns her relationship with her father, a popular rock idol, and he sends her to live with her aunt Lou in a small town. At first she hates living in the small town where everything is in walking distances, but when she meets Luke everything starts to change, and become much better.

I’m not going to lie, when I first starting reading this novel it started out pretty rough, but by the third chapter things started to pick up making me interested in the plot all the way till the end. There’s only one thing most young adult novels lack and that’s heart. You sometimes find it hard to relate to characters because they come off boring or half developed. You won’t get that with Finding Home. There’s emotion throughout the entire novel with some flashback sprinkled in at moments they feel best.

All of the characters are interesting. Most young adult novels you pick up, the character come off as feeling shabby, but reading this novel you won’t find too many character’s that come off as downright annoying. Or simply a character you just have no feeling towards.

The novel’s pace is pretty average and the book itself isn’t that long and I wasn’t able to finish reading it in one day putting forth only around 3 hours. The only thing that would’ve made this novel any better is if the plot was expanded and it was made into a longer novel. Lauren K. McKellar is a great Australian novelist, and I can’t wait to see how she furthers spreads her name in the literary world.

I recommend Finding Home to any who loves young adult romance and is looking for a quick easy read. But if you aren’t interested in romance. This one isn’t for you.